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The normalising of cult-like behaviour

By: Penny - Pendulum on Voice Media

Let’s face it. Three weeks to ‘flatten the curve’ has and still is changing our nation’s social landscape. Up until March 2020 most of us were doing our thing, living what we considered to be pretty good lives.

We thought we were in control - albeit grumbling about fluctuating prices of fuel, and taxes, ohh those pesky taxes. But we were mostly compliant, law-abiding, and left our elected politicians to do their jobs, hoping they were making decisions on our behalf that would ensure the smooth-ish running of our ‘not-so-corrupt’ country. Or so we thought.

The wheels started falling off our complacent lives in 2020. Fear and uncertainty crept in, like a thief in the night, and a chasm appeared between our old lives and the ‘now’. In every corner - families, friendships, workplaces, churches, even sports clubs.

Some of us lost relationships, were banned from public areas and lost our careers if we chose to not take an experimental vaccine. Never before in our lives had we experienced being cancelled out by friends and family for being making a conscience choice.

Two years on, chronic illnesses and unexplained sudden deaths are becoming more frequent in all age groups, (disturbingly among young adults and even children). And it has nothing to do with a respiratory illness or virus.


Cult behaviour

Disturbingly, it appears that cult-like behaviour is gripping our nation. Collins Dictionary defines a cult as a “quasi-religious organisation using devious psychological techniques to gain and control followers”. Are we free-thinkers or are we being controlled (or cast out) by a single narrative? Kiwis have certainly been pressured into living in fear for the past three years.

Why else are people still wearing surgical masks? Why else are people still taking experimental inoculations (1, 2, 3, 4, 5+) that Pfizer themselves admit to cause much more harm than they prevent. There is madness in the air… blind compliance without logic, science or common sense.

Significant shifts away from science

The gender ideology being imposed on us in workplaces and schools, disregards the family unit and undermines heterosexuality (which, in case you forgot, is necessary for the survival of our species). Remember all those gender Census questions? Did they make any sense to you? Yet if you say anything against the latest gender narrative, you’re called all sort of derogatory names that simply didn’t exist until recently.

And the climate change cult… if you’re not offsetting your carbon credits, reducing your ‘footprint’ or riding a bike to work, then climate change is all your fault. And farmers are apparently the biggest culprits. Yet farmers are the lifeblood of our country. An 8 year old boy was recently heard saying he thought he isn’t meant to like his dad, after being taught in his school about climate change. Because his dad is a farmer. What kind of world are we creating for our children? Make no mistake, we are being railroaded into a cult. Or excluded from it like hated outcasts.

7 signs you are in a cult

  1. Opposing critical thinking. Our political leaders have told us since 2020 they are our ‘single source of truth’. This opposes critical thinking.

  2. Isolating members and penalising them for leaving. Those who do not subscribe to the single narratives of the pandemic, gender ideology, climate change, and others, are penalised and censored.

  3. Emphasising special doctrines. While not religious in a Bible-sense, there are certainly doctrines for the masses that they are expected to follow. Vaccinate/isolate/contact trace/masks, inclusivity/diversity/equity/transgender/LGBTQ++, carbon credits/carbon neutral/climate change, as well as misinformation/disinformation… are some of the favoured special doctrines of today.

  4. Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders. The popularity push through all media channels for the posse of policy pushers including Ardern, Bloomfield, Wilkes etc, is nothing short of idolatry. Brought about by incessant, repetitive media coverage.

  5. Dishonoring the family unit. This is a BIG one. I do not know of a single family who hasn’t been affected since 2020. Cancel culture due to vacced/unvacced, and if they survived that blow, then the gender situation in schools which is rapidly coming to light, where our schools and mental health system are encouraging secrecy and division between children and parents.

  6. Crossing Biblical boundaries of behaviour (versus sexual purity and personal ownership). One only needs to watch music videos (such as Sam Smith’s latest) and computer games (such as Diablo IV) these days to see how hyper sexualisation, and demonic imagery is prevalent.

  7. Separation from the Church. Our nation has for over two centuries upheld Christian values. Our government has succeeded in slowly stripping it out of all facets of our society. Not coincidentally, we have since seen a decline in our general moral values and common sense care for one another. At a time when crime stats are at their highest, and election promises abound about how this will be fixed with more money spent, and harsher penalties etc… who is addressing how we got into this situation? And who stands to profit out of our social decline? Because it’s certainly not us.

The solution

A return to moral values and loving care for one another is how we save ourselves. Some humility, some grace. It costs not a cent, and it needs not a ruler. All it needs is some navel gazing and home truths. More love, less hate. More kindness, less gaslighting.

We’re in a mess here New Zealand. We’re in a cult, created by politicians and bureaucrats. Stop waiting for someone to come save us. Don’t wait until the election outcome. Hug someone today. Call a friend you haven’t spoken to for a while.

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