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Free Speech Space with MJ - Scotty Bright

Scotty Bright Candidate for Port Waikato Democracy NZ Party

“If you are not happy with the state the country is in, you need to vote for change. No sense complaining about it, you’ve got to be brave and place your trust in the ones that are fighting for you. I will take your voice and represent you in parliament. I will take issue with the things that violate your sovereignty and rights. I will fight 100% for YOU!”

mykeljon winckel: Voice Media and elocal video magazine Today we're talking with Scott Bright from the Democracy NZ, or was it NZ Democracy? New Zealand Democracy, that's right, I always get it the other way around. But I'm going to start that again, Scott. Hang on.

Scotty Bright: It's Democracy New Zealand.

mykeljon winckel: I know

Scotty Bright: And it's

mykeljon winckel: I

Scotty Bright: Scotty

mykeljon winckel: got it wrong.

Scotty Bright: Bride.

mykeljon winckel: I know I got it. I got it halfway.

Scotty Bright: marketing

mykeljon winckel: Yeah.

Scotty Bright: is Scotty Bright.

mykeljon winckel: Yep. You're gonna see. Today we're talking with Scotty Bright from Democracy NZ and he's going to be campaigning for the Port Waikato seat. And you're listening to the Free Speech Space with MJ and welcome along Scotty, it's great to have you on the show and it's nice to see you again, it's been a little while.

Scotty Bright: Yeah, good to see you too MJ and it's great to be here. Thanks for having me on. Look forward to having a good chat.

mykeljon winckel: Well, you know, we've been known to have a good chat. I know we have. Out come the cookies and out comes a couple of cups of tea and away we get into it. And now listen, we're gonna get straight into it. Why have you decided to go into politics? I mean, it's a big question, but we have to ask.

Scotty Bright: I know a lot of people say I'm crazy going into politics and I think I'm crazy going into politics, but I really, really angst over this. Like I was the coordinator for groundswell in Auckland and I angst and angst over going into politics. I've been sort of asked about it and I thought, ah, that's a stupid thing to do. And then I thought, well, if you keep pointing the finger at somebody else and saying, oh, they'll look after it. You know. And, you know, I think we need to do our best and do our bit. And I'm in the position, you know, being semi-retired. I can, I've got the time, you know, and I've grew up in the Port Waiakero area and lived here my whole life. And I know so many people, and I thought, well, I should give it a go. I think I'm pretty well received by it. most people in this Pukeiro area. So yeah, and I really want to make a difference. I think that the country's direction is going in a really, really bad way. And it's been going like that for quite a few years. Actually, I've been sort of studying the political situation for probably 20 or 30 years. And its decline of things, and I think in the last couple of years it's been extremely bad. So I'm out there to do my bit and try and do the best I can to take the people's voice of this electorate to Parliament. If I get it.

mykeljon winckel: I think it's very important what you just said is taking the people's voice. Because it's one of these things that I've noticed over the last umpteen years. Our voice is not really heard that much anymore. And after we put these people in power... And you know, they go out and they campaign on their various points that they want to bring to the people. I call it candy. And then all of a sudden, hey, hang on, none of that gets actually voted in and all this other stuff. So nothing comes to fruition. And all this extra stuff comes in that you think, what, where did that come

Scotty Bright: Thank you.

mykeljon winckel: from? And that's what we've seen for the last, oh, goodness, for many, many years. But in particularly

Scotty Bright: Thank

mykeljon winckel: in

Scotty Bright: you.

mykeljon winckel: the last five years, it's been horrific. There are points that have happened over the last few years that you really had to take stock of and say, you know what, it's time to stand up. And it's great to see you standing up too, Scotty. And

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: you're known around the traps for having that fantastic tractor. And you've done

Scotty Bright: Thanks for watching!

mykeljon winckel: some amazing stuff, delivering food to the needy and really making a point leading. you know, leading the charge when somebody needed to lead the charge, who was there? Scotty Bright. And that's remarkable. And it's wonderful to see you taking on this role and really rolling up your sleeves and very, very positive to hear you say you're going to take the voice of the people to Parliament because that's exactly what needs to happen. So now, Scotty, what were some of the things in the... Let's talk about your background first. So Port Waikato You're going for the seat here, so you're going to be up against, you know, a few other players in the international

Scotty Bright: Mm.

mykeljon winckel: NZ first. And,

Scotty Bright: Yep.

mykeljon winckel: you know, it's so we've got to really talk about what you bring to the table so that when people watch this, they actually understand who you are and why you want to do it and what's your background. Over to you.

Scotty Bright: I grew up on a dairy farm at Otia, which is just outside of Waiuku, and I've been involved in farming my whole life. But along the way, I've had a couple of other businesses in construction and mechanical. So I do know what small businesses and medium-sized businesses actually go through. you know, staff load. And we can do that in many ways, I think, you know, the draconian laws and that sort of stuff that are put through, particularly the Health and Safety Act and the Resource Management Act, they need really tidying up and make it a lot easier for businesses to make a profit and just survive. Yes, I grew up there and I lived here my whole life. I've been involved on PDAs and board of trustees and that sort of stuff. So I think I'm pretty community minded. I really like, I think community is one of the most important things that this country is lacking. You know, if you have your community really strong and tight, and supportive of each other, the whole country is a lot healthier. And, you know, governance has sort of taken that gap of a weaker community, or government has, and they've sort of taken the power away from the people for their own megalomania needs, if I could say that. You know, in the old days, you used to have members of parliament with portfolios, and they would all get up and stand up in front of television, and someone would cue what would be the Minister of Electricity, Electrical Department, and then you'd have other roading departments, Ministry of Works, and that sort of thing. And each one of those ministers would be responsible for it, and they would be... talking about it and the buck would stop with them. But it seems of late. It's almost like a dictatorship, identity politics. Everything goes from the prime minister that comes out and everybody seems to be little pups running around there after the prime minister backing up what they say. And, you know, in that respect, your democracy is I think is really diminished. And the voice of the people is diminished. And this notion that I think some of the prime ministers came out with and said, we have a mandate, because we've been elected, we've got a mandate to sell all the blimmin' electricity departments and all that sort of stuff off. That is not right. I don't think that is democracy. That's dictatorship. And just in a different fluffy form. You've been charged with running the country and doing the best you can for the country, not just a few. And so Democracy New Zealand supports binding referendums. I think we'd have binding referendums monthly on major, major important issues. So yeah, got a bit off the track there. But a bit more about myself. Yeah, so I was the coordinator for Groundswell because I've got such a passion for farming. And how I got into that job is, a mate of mine, Murray Weimer, said to me, he said, are you gonna take your tractor into town on this tractor drive that's coming up? And I said, well, I don't know anything about it. I said, who do I speak to? And he says, give Bryce a call. in Gore. He's organising it. So I rang Bryce and I said, hey Brycey, what's going on with taking tractors into town? He says, we're going to take tractors into town all over the country. You know, there's about 60 towns that tractors went in to protest against unworkable regulations. And so I said, that sounds a bit like me. So taking me tractor into the And I said, who's organizing it up here? And he said, you are. So that was sad. And it was a great thing. We rounded up everybody and quite a few of us sort of got together and we had meetings and all the farmers got on board. And, you know, because they were so concerned at that time, and they're even more concerned now. But at that time, they're very concerned would drive them off their farms. And so we took the tractors to town and all of the protests, we had tractors and trucks and utes and the tradies were involved and everybody was involved of Voices for Freedom. All those people, we had graders and all sorts of stuff. And there was probably some estimated thousand tractors, five thousand people. And it was a great feeling. On the way back, we stopped in for a beer. And, you know, just for a moment or two, it felt like relief. It felt like a reprieve from the horrible pressure that these unworkable regulations were coming down on the farmer. So it was a good feeling just for a moment or two.

mykeljon winckel: And

Scotty Bright: It wasn't

mykeljon winckel: that's probably

Scotty Bright: allowed.

mykeljon winckel: one of the big differences is the fact is that you have actually rolled up your sleeves and you're hands on, Scotty. You know, and that's the thing. You muck in. You get in there. You find out what the

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: problem is and you actually lead the charge. And that's a very important point. Now you mentioned also about the binding referendum. I want to talk a bit about that, but apart from that, I want to come back to it. So I also know that you're a granddad and you've got some lovely kids and all that kind of stuff. So you're, you know, you're well versed in bringing up a family, you know, and so, you know, you've.

Scotty Bright: Yeah, I got married the other day, we had a wedding anniversary the other day, 38 years I married Delay. And she's a district nurse and we have five children, grown up children and we've got grandchildren too, so that's a really enjoyable thing, we can spoil them and send them home.

mykeljon winckel: That's when you feed them lots of sugar, is it? And just send them on their way?

Scotty Bright: Yeah,

mykeljon winckel: Yeah.

Scotty Bright: give them lollies

mykeljon winckel: Ha

Scotty Bright: and give them biscuits, anything they want, you know.

mykeljon winckel: ha ha. Grandparents' revenge. Yeah, exactly. But the point I'm making is that you've well ensconced in this area. You know what makes it tick. And we do have a unique area in the Port Waikato region. It is, it's sort of like a, It's got an area of agriculture that is different to everywhere else in New Zealand. It's almost like a little ecosystem as what it offers to the New Zealand GDP. And that's something

Scotty Bright: Hmm.

mykeljon winckel: that you've grown up with, know about it, understand it, and that you are, again, got all the contacts and you're here to represent them. But now let's

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: have a talk about the binding referendum. Now, I don't think people really realize what's going on. with referendum in New Zealand or what they call a binding referendum because we lead to believe that we actually have a voice but that's not so much the case is it Scotty?

Scotty Bright: No, it's not. It seems to all the promises come out at election time, you know, and I think it's even worse this election time. They're saying so many things, you know, some of the parties are saying they're going to do this and do that and jump through hoops and promise a lot of stuff that they are probably not going to be able to deliver. But it sounds good. And then when they get into power, They seem to forget about all of those promises. I think that that's where a democracy is really falling down. We can't forget about the promises and the commitments that we've made. You know, you can't take every single person's opinion on board, but you certainly can listen to the majority of people, and if there's some common issues that really are important to... majority of people, they've got to be dealt with, you know, they've got to be taken on right into parliament to make those good decisions. And you know, at the same time, we've got way too many laws and rules. Just it seems to be a competition on every government that comes in, wants to put more and more laws in place. And the laws have been put in place. This last... three or four years, five years, extremely bad on personal rights and property rights.

mykeljon winckel: Now I'm going to come back to binding referendum. So

Scotty Bright: Mm.

mykeljon winckel: in fact, we, the people, have no say in a binding referendum at the moment. We

Scotty Bright: Yeah,

mykeljon winckel: have zero.

Scotty Bright: that's that they have a, they have, well, I have a referendum. And you can, and you can have a referendum if you get enough votes, but it's not binding. So when every month, we would, on major issues, if that's what it was, unless the people wanted some even more, or, you know, voting on. So when the people vote, that is what they say and that's what will happen. It doesn't go back to Parliament and, you know, that's what we would support, a binding referendum. If the people made the decision and voted on it, that's what was going to happen. I mean, we've seen that a few times in the past. We've had a referendum and they said we do not want

mykeljon winckel: the anti-smacking debate.

Scotty Bright: Yeah, we don't want that, but it still went through. And that is not democracy.

mykeljon winckel: No it isn't. It's the same as co-governance. That's not democracy is it?

Scotty Bright: No, all of these things are just jamming through. Matt King, the leader of the party, he said, look, that our policies are like this. If you can think of a more practical, sensible, and down-to-earth policy that's good for the people and good for the country, well, let us know, because we'll probably adopt it and bring it on board if it's good for the people. But that's what it's got to be. Good for the people and good for the country.

mykeljon winckel: Well, it's really refreshing to hear that because it's not something we've seen from and I don't know how many years, but particularly in the last five years. You know, I mean,

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: example, you know, Wellington, Occupy Wellington. That's a good example.

Scotty Bright: Oh, yeah. It was

mykeljon winckel: Who

Scotty Bright: just...

mykeljon winckel: listened there? It was diabolical.

Scotty Bright: It was diabolic. It was really, really bad. Those politicians, where were they? They didn't come out. And that's one of the things why I joined Democracy New Zealand. Matt King came out to there. He had to stand up and put it out there. And the news media called it a river of filth. Look, I went down there and I took a trail of a load of vegetables down there. It wasn't much. I took it down in my tractor actually, and that was to give them moral support. And yeah, it was just a travesty of what went on down there.

mykeljon winckel: And it's happening on so many different levels. I mean, I mean, one of the areas we will come back to it, but, you know, we're seeing it happen in all of these really, really big areas or subsections, if you like. And this is what democracy in New Zealand stands for is, you know, economy, farming, safe communities, education, health and, of course,

Scotty Bright: Mm.

mykeljon winckel: I want to start, I want to talk about these areas of democracy action, democracy NZ, and what

Scotty Bright: Hmm.

mykeljon winckel: they're going to say, what the areas are. So we can do briefly skim through these, not skim through them, but briefly talk about them. But I want to leave farming to last because that is obviously the portfolio that you want to get involved with. So we'll

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: start with, and have the experience in, so let's start with economy. What's the party saying about economy?

Scotty Bright: The economy is extremely important. I mean, you've got to have your exports. You've got to look after your exports. 81% of our exports are from primary producers. And so we've got to look after them. It's just like, you know, your income for your house. You know, if you're earning more than you're spending, you're going to be doing all right. But if you're spending more than you're earning, you're probably not going to do too well in the long term. And we have been doing... spending more than we're earning for quite a while as a country. So we've got to get that filler.

mykeljon winckel: And we're seeing that because, you know, I mean, you have a look at our productivity ratios. It's been sitting at zero for decades as our productivity. We're basically deindustrialized, except for the agricultural center. Isn't that correct?

Scotty Bright: Yeah, absolutely.

mykeljon winckel: So...

Scotty Bright: It's shocking what they're doing with the industrializing, we have manufacturing, we're importing synthetic carpets to put into the schools when we could be using natural wool, and I'd rather have natural wool than I would have synthetic carpets, you know, that type

mykeljon winckel: Yeah,

Scotty Bright: of thing.

mykeljon winckel: and again, that's, oh hang on, let me think, that's called a free trade agreement, right? Yeah, bollocks, just bollocks. I'm sorry, I'm gonna use that word. I'm allowed to use that

Scotty Bright: Yeah,

mykeljon winckel: word, aren't I? Yeah,

Scotty Bright: yeah,

mykeljon winckel: bollocks.

Scotty Bright: it's, it is. Yes, exactly.

mykeljon winckel: That's a good

Scotty Bright: That's

mykeljon winckel: word.

Scotty Bright: a good way to put bullets

mykeljon winckel: Yeah,

Scotty Bright: here.

mykeljon winckel: but we're seeing it right across everything. I mean, what are we actually producing? As far as an economy goes, what do we, apart from, if we say, okay, agriculture, we've got agriculture. And

Scotty Bright: Mmm.

mykeljon winckel: we have some of the best agriculture in the world. We do, there's hands down, our farmers and growers in the world, we are up there in the top.

Scotty Bright: Yes.

mykeljon winckel: But what else is there?

Scotty Bright: Yes,

mykeljon winckel: Because

Scotty Bright: exactly.

mykeljon winckel: I mean, if you go back to Roger, Roger Noam, he said, you know, we have to diversify, you know, we

Scotty Bright: Mm.

mykeljon winckel: have to diversify. We've got to, you know, but since then, have we diversified? Probably not.

Scotty Bright: Well, we put a lot of eggs in a blimmin' basket of tourism. And look where that, look how fragile that is. I mean,

mykeljon winckel: Yeah.

Scotty Bright: that was not good. But we used to produce machinery and we used to produce, well, great in wool and meat exports. Look, we've got an abundance of oil in this country that we export. We have our own gas. This little country is really, really rich if it was just managed correctly.

mykeljon winckel: Yes, well, you know, if it wasn't going to just a handful of people, all the good deals were going to a handful of people. That would be, you know, instead of having a Norway economy, that would be a much better off for all of us.

Scotty Bright: Exactly.

mykeljon winckel: Let's talk about safe communities. What's the

Scotty Bright: Yeah,

mykeljon winckel: policy?

Scotty Bright: Matt used to be a policeman for 15 years. And so he tells quite a few stories, and he's got some good solid views on there. And so I think basically we're saying that, you know, we do need to get tough on organised crime. The poor old police force have been sort of demoralised. The bar's been lowered on the quality of people that come in. And you... In any big organisation you're getting a few ratbags, but you know, there seems to be a bit more in the police and I think that's a bad thing for them. There's so many good guys in there at the moment that need to be supported, have good direction and good resourcing to be able to fight these organised gangs and that sort of stuff. So that needs to be supported.

mykeljon winckel: Surely what we're talking about here is more accountability.

Scotty Bright: Absolutely. And also, it's not just about locking them all up. I mean, you need to have a holistic approach and not just park the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, but stop them getting into crime. Stop those at-risk families, stop those families that they're not bringing their kids up properly. And we'll get onto them and help them bring the kids up properly in a loving environment. And a fair bit of that also goes with having a full-time job. There's nothing better than having a job that you're proud of and you go to work and you've done a day's work and you feel good about yourself. You have good income for the family and I think that would reduce an awful lot of crime. And yes, it's really important kids are brought up well, you know with loving parents and stability as much as you can.

mykeljon winckel: And of course, the finance plays a big part of that, like you said, you know, having a good job and in the in the in the old days. I mean, I'm not going to call it the old days. I'm going to call it in different times. You know,

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: you had the Ministry of Works, you had. the railways, you had, let me see, PNT or Post and Telegraph. And

Scotty Bright: See you.

mykeljon winckel: from that, we there was a lot of work supplied to a lot of tradies, a lot of people with apprenticeships. And there were a lot of people in work that didn't necessarily were involved with, you know, well, running the country, weren't they? They were running different sections

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: of the roading and all that kind of stuff. It wasn't subcontracting as such. but it was actually a government driven programme that provided good secure work. Do you think you're going to... is that something that Democracy NZ would endorse?

Scotty Bright: We would endorse absolutely the education policy that we have also, you know, encourages trades and work to train to work and that sort of stuff, you know. Also, especially with boys, you know, a lot of the specialists say, you know, boys should leave school when they're a lot of boys should leave school when they're 15 and go back to when they're 20. because it's a waste of a lot of time in between, because that's

mykeljon winckel: Yeah.

Scotty Bright: just the way they are. Girls are more studious, boys do that. But apprenticeships, there's nothing wrong with apprenticeships. We've gone through a stage where if you're not a, if you haven't got a university degree with you, you're an underling, and that's not really the case. I mean,

mykeljon winckel: Not

Scotty Bright: trades

mykeljon winckel: at all.

Scotty Bright: are, there's nothing wrong with a trade. There's nothing wrong with working hard as long as you're happy and being productive. And personal responsibility is something that we should admire.

mykeljon winckel: Absolutely. Yeah, very much so. So and that's now talking about, so we're going on to education. So now of late, we've seen some pretty ugly attacks in our education system. And, you know, I mean, it's creating incredible division. It's causing a huge amount of uncertainty in our younger, in our youth, which are going to become the adults of our tomorrow. They're going to be the ones who are going to be driving our country in the future. What do you think of what's happening with our education system?

Scotty Bright: I think this workism and political correctness has got to go. We need to deal with facts over ideology. This ideology is just not healthy. It just does nothing for the country, for the young people coming up. We need to get that sorted out, get back to the basics. kids are going what you know some minds go in a more practical direction some go in a clerical direction and you got to treat them equal and You know, I think talking about equality, we need to take race out of everything. Race is, we're all one. We're all Kiwis. That's how we've got to be. We can't go forward as a country if we're divided. So that's one of our big policies is to take, we take race out of everything. Look, it's great to have diversity in a country with, you know, you have all these different cultures and that. practicing at his home and keeping their culture alive, which is really good. But when we all come together, we've all got to be together and not divided by race or whatever.

mykeljon winckel: Well, exactly. You know, I mean, there's a very key point. I can't remember which philosopher said it, but it was along the lines of today's immigration is tomorrow's country.

Scotty Bright: Yeah, that's true.

mykeljon winckel: You know, and it's about cultural diversity, which is great. I mean, it's wonderful. I couldn't agree more, but division is something that breaks the nation. So

Scotty Bright: That's

mykeljon winckel: I couldn't

Scotty Bright: right.

mykeljon winckel: agree with him more.

Scotty Bright: It is a pathoid. It's akin to a pathoid what's been going on in this country. You know,

mykeljon winckel: Yeah.

Scotty Bright: a real division. A real division. And that's not right. It's no way for a country to function in a healthy way.

mykeljon winckel: Well, because there's going to be people are going to, you know, they're going to agree and they're going to disagree. But this is one of probably the most polarizing facts or polarizing aspects of living in New Zealand today is the fact that we've got, you know, we've got such a division now between Maori and non Maori. And we're heading right down the line of creating. a co-governance structure that how can you have a tribal structure within

Scotty Bright: Mm.

mykeljon winckel: it and a democratic structure working together? I mean that is not democracy. So

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: you know this is actually a very dangerous path I feel for New Zealand going into our future. What do you think about that?

Scotty Bright: But I totally agree, MJ. And it's worse than that. It's the elite Maori that are the ones cleaning up, and the money's not filtering down from the settlements. And I think it almost feels like those guys there, a handful of them, are also driving this, driving this division for their own greed, I think. So... We have to be, we have to really work hard to be all one, you know, when we all

mykeljon winckel: Well,

Scotty Bright: come out.

mykeljon winckel: I mean it's significant when you have a look at the outcomes of all of the money that's been spent, of all of this division that's already been put in place. Has the outcomes actually provided better solutions?

Scotty Bright: No,

mykeljon winckel: But it hasn't,

Scotty Bright: they haven't.

mykeljon winckel: has it?

Scotty Bright: No, it hasn't. I was speaking to a married lady the other day and she said, you know, that she hasn't, she's tiny and she hasn't seen any benefits at all. You know, the tribe hasn't filtered that money down and done anything for a lot of the kids that are not going to school, troubled families and that sort of stuff. They haven't intervened and looked after them. You know, you'd think that would be the minimum that they were doing. to look after their own people, but it's not happening. So that's where I think

mykeljon winckel: But

Scotty Bright: you

mykeljon winckel: this

Scotty Bright: put

mykeljon winckel: is

Scotty Bright: it.

mykeljon winckel: actually where you actually bring a point. You just said you'd have to look after their people.

Scotty Bright: Mm.

mykeljon winckel: Well, hang on. What does that actually mean? Aren't we all Kiwis?

Scotty Bright: Well, it's true.

mykeljon winckel: Isn't all people, isn't it, you know, it's not your people or our people. It's actually Kiwis. That's it, right?

Scotty Bright: That's true. But I think, you know, all the cultures in the country, and there's Indian and Chinese and all that, they all, you know, a lot of them have their own meeting places and their halls, and they have their own special clubs and that sort of stuff. But when we all come to Main Street, or into town or whatever, we're all one. That's what I'm talking about. At home,

mykeljon winckel: Exactly.

Scotty Bright: you can keep, you know, it's really good that they keep their culture alive and look after their family and extended family and that sort of thing. But also everyone has, I think, has a duty to look after society because that's the biggest family as well, if we can

mykeljon winckel: Absolutely.

Scotty Bright: do that.

mykeljon winckel: Couldn't agree more and well put.

Scotty Bright: Hmm.

mykeljon winckel: Because I mean, that is the case, isn't it? I mean, you have all these wonderful cultures and it's great to have them here. They honestly they bring so much to New Zealand, you know, and New Zealand is a culture of a melting pot, you know, and that's part of the beauty about I believe part of the beauty about New Zealand. I mean, you know, when I grew up in New Zealand, you know, I mean, you couldn't even there was you couldn't even get a decent cup of coffee. You know, if you went to Europe

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: and you got really nice coffee, you know, but coming back here, you got what? You got freeze fried. That was it. You know, and,

Scotty Bright: But isn't it

mykeljon winckel: you know,

Scotty Bright: nice, I mean, that's the reason

mykeljon winckel: that's just

Scotty Bright: why

mykeljon winckel: an example.

Scotty Bright: you travel, you travel around the world to visit different cultures. And

mykeljon winckel: Yeah.

Scotty Bright: it's really neat to go and visit different countries and different cultures. Imagine if

mykeljon winckel: Absolutely.

Scotty Bright: we're, you know, yeah, it's, so

mykeljon winckel: So, I mean,

Scotty Bright: it's...

mykeljon winckel: this is a very important point because what we're talking about here is actually respect. Right. So

Scotty Bright: if

mykeljon winckel: what we're talking about is respecting culture. You know, and I think that the average Kiwi, you know, respects culture. They really do. But they don't respect division. Division, all division does is create hate and racism. Wouldn't

Scotty Bright: Exactly.

mykeljon winckel: you agree with that?

Scotty Bright: Totally.

mykeljon winckel: So.

Scotty Bright: That's a good way of putting it. All the cultures in the country, and we all respect the cultures and that sort of thing. Collectively, we all make up a country. We're all Kiwis. I think that the Kiwi society is, if we're all united as Kiwis, but you have your own little and that's all healthy stuff. And you respect each other's cultures. Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: Well exactly, I mean if you're not united, you're going to actually grow the country. If you're divided, you'll destroy it. It's as simple as that.

Scotty Bright: Totally.

mykeljon winckel: And that's what I like about democracy and policy on this. It's really

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: refreshing and it's a really important one to get across. Bill of Rights is another one that you guys have, is your one of your, probably your most important campaign point, wouldn't that be, would be the Bill of Rights.

Scotty Bright: Yeah, it's a pillar of...

mykeljon winckel: It's a pillar of what you're going for. And it has

Scotty Bright: with

mykeljon winckel: long

Scotty Bright: policy.

mykeljon winckel: tentacles. It encompasses many, many things. Like, for example, I'm going to go straight into it, the Terrorism and Suppression Act. I mean, that is just, that's horrific. I mean, this is tyranny. This is just, this is just unbelievable that this act is being put in place. I mean,

Scotty Bright: Absolutely.

mykeljon winckel: I don't know whether many people even know about it, but I mean, what it is, is it's total government censorship and suppression, and all it does is breed fear, and it pushes everything underground, and it creates cells for things to, cells to multiply, and the cancers of society to grow and burst through in unrest. You know, you can't have that.

Scotty Bright: No,

mykeljon winckel: So that's what my film, what are you saying?

Scotty Bright: with that terrorism suppression act, they can deem you to be a terrorist, the prime minister can deem you to be a terrorist, and you'll be taken away without charge and locked up indefinite. And that without habeas corpus, which is the correct procedure and the correct charge. So that's...

mykeljon winckel: So hang on, let's just explore that for a moment. So in other words, what you're saying is that if you, let's say the big one is of course information, right? So an information terrorist, that's what they're talking about. So if you have a different opinion, you can be taken away without any charge and locked up indefinitely. Is that what we're talking about?

Scotty Bright: That's how it reads. That's how that bill reads. And it will

mykeljon winckel: God.

Scotty Bright: shake you in your boots that

mykeljon winckel: So

Scotty Bright: they

mykeljon winckel: the...

Scotty Bright: have the power to do that.

mykeljon winckel: So what we're talking about is, well, what comes to mind is, you know, Mao, Chinese communism. We're talking about

Scotty Bright: Yep.

mykeljon winckel: Stalinism. We're talking about North Korea. We're talking about probably the worst scenario you could actually live in, really, if that's coming in. This is scary stuff.

Scotty Bright: Yeah, that's here. That bill is in place. I mean, that was put in place, I think, even by John Key's government, or it was strengthened by the Labour government, the recent Labour government. So, look, if the Bill of Rights was supreme law, that is above everything. Every law that goes through must be checked. If it doesn't pass the Bill of Rights, it doesn't get put into law. Now, what they've done with the Bill of Rights is they've put a clause in there that says if the cabinet deems that it's the good of the government, something like that, the good of the government, for the good of the government, they can override the Bill of Rights. And we're saying that clause needs to be taken out. The Bill of Rights is supreme. If things don't get, if they don't get the tick of the Bill of Rights, that law doesn't get put on. Now, if that Bill of Rights was in that position where it should be, you would have so many laws that would be gone tomorrow. It would be that racism would be gone. Terrorism Suppression Act would be gone. The Water Services Bill, that's another really nasty, insidious one where they can actually come onto your farm and take control of your water and even demolish your water supply at their will, with unelected officials as well. So that's a little known bill what goes on in that. And there's lots of other

mykeljon winckel: Oh,

Scotty Bright: Act Law.

mykeljon winckel: and one of them that springs to mind is this therapeutics bill that's gone in. I mean, third reading, there were 16,600 people that objected to that, and they just steamrolled it in. You know,

Scotty Bright: Hmm?

mykeljon winckel: I mean, this is now saying that, you know, the health industry is going to be demolished. Yet another industry is going to be deindustrialized, so to speak. You know, and at the health of our country again, that we could only get stuff through, you know, big pharma supplies. And who knows what they, oh, let me think, as a phrase that comes to mind, Scotty, is, oh, that vitamin C, it's safe and effective. You

Scotty Bright: That's

mykeljon winckel: know,

Scotty Bright: right.

mykeljon winckel: oh, let me think that turmeric, you know, will just slip some mRNA in there. No one will know. And that's safe and effective.

Scotty Bright: Oh,

mykeljon winckel: You

Scotty Bright: no.

mykeljon winckel: know, I mean, this is the problem, isn't it? You know, you've got all these things being controlled by one source, and you've got no say. And this

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: is the issue. This is the major issue.

Scotty Bright: Yeah. So if we

mykeljon winckel: Nailed it.

Scotty Bright: got that Bill of Rights, if we got that right, that would clean up so much for people's personal rights and property rights as well.

mykeljon winckel: Well, these are all things that tie very nicely into the 2030 agenda, isn't it? The SGA, the

Scotty Bright: So...

mykeljon winckel: property rights and the Bill of Rights. I mean, if you just had those two, you certainly wouldn't be... You wouldn't have a cashless society because the Bill of Rights would

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: say, well, that's... You cannot have a functioning society without having cash.

Scotty Bright: Yep.

mykeljon winckel: So, I mean,

Scotty Bright: Exactly.

mykeljon winckel: these tentacles, they run long and... into areas they encompass, a lot of areas that you wouldn't think

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: that they would. You know, it's really important.

Scotty Bright: And a lot of people sort of try and say, oh, no, the UN Agenda 2030 doesn't influence at all. It does. And it's on record. Jacinda is actually on video with Bill Gates, and they're saying that she's really pleased that the Agenda 2030, all those sustainable goals, implemented in every bit of New Zealand legislation. So Democracy

mykeljon winckel: Yes it

Scotty Bright: New

mykeljon winckel: is.

Scotty Bright: Zealand says,

mykeljon winckel: Yep.

Scotty Bright: that's got to go with that stuff.

mykeljon winckel: You know, it's a pity if I would have had a little bit more time on that one, I would have been able to find that one on YouTube and play it for everybody. But she actually

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: states that it's actually the 2019 Bill Gates Conference.

Scotty Bright: That's right.

mykeljon winckel: It's 7 minutes 26 seconds, I remember it. And she states

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: emphatically that she has integrated the sustainable goals, 16 or 17 of them, into domestic legislation. And honestly, when I heard that, I almost did a backflip in horror. You know, it was

Scotty Bright: I know.

mykeljon winckel: just like, oh, my goodness. So I mean, this is what we're up against, because in reality, Scotty, we are we is the current government. I mean, let's go back to the Bill of Rights just for a moment. I want to ask you a question. Do you think that our Bill of Rights have been trampled on in the last few years?

Scotty Bright: Absolutely, absolutely. And it's something that was put in there, a clause put in there, I think it was by Geoffrey Palmer in sort of like 1987. That clause, that out clause where they could actually override the Bill of Rights, the Cabinet could override the Bill of Rights. That is the thing that's got to go. Because it just nullifies the Bill of Rights, it will. I mean, the Bill

mykeljon winckel: Because

Scotty Bright: of Rights is a good

mykeljon winckel: I think it

Scotty Bright: thing.

mykeljon winckel: was with what wasn't something read along the lines of the Bill of Rights is not a right. That's

Scotty Bright: Um

mykeljon winckel: something along those lines. It was an outstanding piece of legislation that completely, you know, you read through the whole thing and yeah, this is for the people, you know, blah, and you get the last bit, it goes, oops, that just completely nullified everything.

Scotty Bright: Yeah, that's

mykeljon winckel: Staggering.

Scotty Bright: terrible. Staggering, yeah. So

mykeljon winckel: You know?

Scotty Bright: that needs to be fixed up. That sort of underhand sort of stuff needs to be dealt with and fixed up. So if we can get that Bill of Rights sorted out, that will be good for this country and society and communities.

mykeljon winckel: Because that will also stop a lot of the invasion of the three-lettered, non-voted, non-democratic organizations that seems to have taken over our economy, our country, our health, our legislation, our Bill of Rights, those being UN, World Economic Forum.

Scotty Bright: Thank

mykeljon winckel: Let's talk about...

Scotty Bright: you.

mykeljon winckel: currency, we're talking about the Western Central Banks, the fiat currencies, all this kind of stuff.

Scotty Bright: Good.

mykeljon winckel: Are we actually a government or are we just a puppet of world governments, of the world

Scotty Bright: Well,

mykeljon winckel: government?

Scotty Bright: we believe that we have outside influence in our country, and we're saying no to outside influence into our country, mainly from the World Economic Forum, the UN, and the World Health Organization. They shouldn't tell us what to do. We're a sovereign country, and that's what we need to do. get that sorted out and maintained. And that's where democracy's new position, the democracy NZ's position is, is to say no outside influence into our country.

mykeljon winckel: Well, it's an interesting one, isn't it? Because I mean, when John Key let Peter Sharples go over and sign up with the UN for the right for indigenous peoples to have their own future, right? You know, what about the rest of us? You know, when

Scotty Bright: Yeah,

mykeljon winckel: you talk

Scotty Bright: that

mykeljon winckel: about

Scotty Bright: was

mykeljon winckel: that,

Scotty Bright: a bit of...

mykeljon winckel: you know,

Scotty Bright: That

mykeljon winckel: You

Scotty Bright: was

mykeljon winckel: know,

Scotty Bright: some

mykeljon winckel: it's

Scotty Bright: racism, I think. You know,

mykeljon winckel: Oh, that's unbelievable.

Scotty Bright: fueling racism.

mykeljon winckel: Yeah, but sovereignty is so important in so many different levels. We it's, you know, without sovereignty, we can never be a true New Zealand. And this is,

Scotty Bright: Hmm.

mykeljon winckel: I think, one of the most significant aspects of what we're campaigning right now, which is probably one of the most important aspects moving forward for our country. Would you agree with that?

Scotty Bright: Absolutely. We really have to. This is a beautiful little country and it can be so good, but it has just been run down and twisted and everything's been messed up really, really badly in the last, oh, I don't know, particularly the last four or five years. But it's been a long, slow progress. I've seen it over 40 years. It's been slowly and slowly getting worse and worse. Back in the 50s and 60s, New Zealand used to have the third highest standard of living in the OECD. And look at us now. I think we're down to 80 or 90. And that's just not necessary.

mykeljon winckel: Well, not for a country that has truly got everything, really, when you think about it. I mean, we shouldn't have... we should not have any homeless people here, for a start.

Scotty Bright: Mm.

mykeljon winckel: You know, we produce so

Scotty Bright: Yep.

mykeljon winckel: much food. You know, we produce a huge amount of timber. Everyone should be in a house. You know, we should be such a wealthy country. Okay, we're only small, but we've got everything here. We've got... I mean, look, we're surrounded by fish. What happens to the population of sheep in New Zealand? Isn't it 60 million? 70 million?

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: You know, I mean, and we've got milk. It is literally the milk. I don't know so much about honey anymore, but you

Scotty Bright: Mm. Ha

mykeljon winckel: know, there's

Scotty Bright: ha.

mykeljon winckel: certainly,

Scotty Bright: And.

mykeljon winckel: we've got everything here. There's no excuse for us to be struggling like we are. I mean, the cost of living, I mean, that's a crisis. This is a huge, huge point that, sorry, this is going to be a pillar of this next election, is the cost of living.

Scotty Bright: Absolutely.

mykeljon winckel: What's, I'm going to come back to you, I know we briefly touched on it, but what are sort of some of the things that Democracy NZ are going to be talking about, addressing the cost of living crisis?

Scotty Bright: We need to get the cost of food down. And so we need to look after, you know, that's one thing that we can look after. So we need to get the compliance costs down for the farmers, all of the red tape. That's a huge amount of cost. We need to stop wasting money as a country in just rubbish The roading that costs a fortune and the quality is not good, is really bad. I mean, in the days when we did it ourselves for the Ministry of Works, the quality was right there and roads lasted. I know we've got a lot more heavy gear on the roads these days, but it seems to be all of the money that is taken for the roads from the transport costs. that the road user charges and that sort of stuff, it goes into a big black hole. Now they're looking at charging more tax on fuel, which also, you know, and then they're talking about doing a public-private partnership for the roads because the roads are in a mess. None of this needs to happen if it was just managed properly. There's been a complete mismanagement of money, I think, you know, just wasting it, spending it on monuments and just trash that doesn't need to be there. These massive overspends on the highways and that sort of stuff, monuments, all the sort of rubbish all over the place. Get your basics done first and then you can go and have a few monuments around the place and that sort of stuff. Reducing taxes for working people, I think, is a good thing to do. The people, and get people back to work, you know, the people that I've spoken to in the industrial areas, I've been walking up and down the industrial area and that sort of stuff and saying... you know, what's some of the biggest issues you've got? They said tax, we just get tax and tax and tax to pieces. There's indirect taxes, direct taxes. We've got to stop that sort of stuff. There's no need. And I think you stop it by, or reduce the tax, by reduce the waste and just throwing money away. So

mykeljon winckel: and

Scotty Bright: that's

mykeljon winckel: big government.

Scotty Bright: a big, and big government. Look at the, I wouldn't like to think how many hundreds of thousands of people over $100,000 each in the bureaucracy of this country. You know, I personally think that... central government could be shrunk by 80 percent and most of your governance should be done locally at your local council level and there you'd have a really good democracy when you've got and most of your taxes should stay local as well. Then the taxes would be spent wisely because you would have a real close control on that. It's not rocket science. It used to be done, you know, 50 or 60 years ago, and it worked really well. But they've gone away from it, lost their way with great thinking. And, you know, there was a rhetoric to say that, oh, as a government or a council, we're not in the roading department, we're not contractors, that sort of stuff. We're going to send that out to contractors. Well, someone has to pay the contractors profit. But in the days when the councils used to look after the roads, they'd have competent people and the roads would be looked after well and done properly. So that's a really big thing. So I think the answer is quite vast for people's wellbeing. But you do have to get the country running. correctly, stop wasting those tax dollars, stop taxing people so much, create more employment, just the likes of making your own carpets in this country, getting your manufacturing back online, all those sort of things. We used to make our own photocopy paper, our own newsprint, the Metaira works and all that, all got shut down.

mykeljon winckel: and add

Scotty Bright: We could

mykeljon winckel: to that

Scotty Bright: be sales.

mykeljon winckel: refinery. Our refinery's gone. Gas exploration. You can't have a country grow unless you've got cheap energy. I mean that's essential.

Scotty Bright: Yep.

mykeljon winckel: That is the number one pillar for driving an economy, is to have cheap energy. And our energy costs are out of control. And any way you look at it, it's out of control. We're at a point where all of our energy, our transmission lines, all that kind of stuff, we're almost at peak level and we're at a fork in the road of requiring a huge amount of investment put in. You know, and you know, this is frightening for us moving ahead, because what we're finding and what you're looking at is we're going heading down the third world country point of view.

Scotty Bright: Exactly. The price of electricity didn't need to be that much. We used to own it all, and it all got sold off. All the silver got sold off for pittance. And we're going to pay it. We're starting to pay the price now of higher electricity charges. We should have owned it ourselves, and we should have bought more hydro. Hydro power is really clean and efficient. All of those sorts of things, our spouse efficiency.

mykeljon winckel: s-

Scotty Bright: And talk about Marsden Point, that's a really important thing that was built in the 60s. And, you know, the last thing of that with the pipeline from Marsden Point to Auckland there to Worry, and they spent a billion dollars on that. And over the time, the oil companies picked up the shares in Marsden Point. and they changed the name quite a few times and they picked the shares up for not a huge amount. And then they got to the stage where they could call a tune and shut Marsden Point down to the detriment of this country. That's wrong. That's really wrong. So we would get Marsden Point going again and make ourselves self-sufficient on oil and gas.

mykeljon winckel: So this latest comment from the Prime Minister about New Zealand receiving investment capital from our friend, Mr

Scotty Bright: Ugh, Macro...

mykeljon winckel: Blackrock,

Scotty Bright: Yeah...

mykeljon winckel: about becoming a net zero carbon economy. What people don't realise is that the five million people in New Zealand are the actual carbon economy. That's frightening. Anyway, what do you think of that? What's

Scotty Bright: Absolutely.

mykeljon winckel: what?

Scotty Bright: Look, when we went to school, and I don't think it's changed now, but we learned that CO2 was plant food. End of story. You know, this is just the biggest scam that's been foisted on the world, this CO2 scam. I mean, climate change is real. It's cyclic. It's just We had seven years of drought and the farm, in the summer times, the ground would be just bare dirt and there was nothing for the cattle to eat. And it was biblical and we were doomed. The end was nigh, you know, but we got out of that. And here we are and we're into a bit of a wet time. So climate change is real. But it's not a climate catastrophe, which they want us to believe. We've got to change our lifestyle and all sorts of things and spend, you know, tax and policy is not going to change whether the CO2 thing is just a big scam. That is unbelievable. So

mykeljon winckel: It's killing our industry, isn't it? It's killing our number one industry, practically our only industry, which is agriculture. It's killing it, isn't it?

Scotty Bright: Absolutely. The things that they're going to impose on the farmers in the name of CO2 and climate change myth is terrible. It's just the same thing as saying the emperor's got no clothes, that old fable. So we're saying the emperor's got no clothes. And they're saying the emperor's got beautiful robes when he's actually in the nutty. And it's this climate change thing. It's just the CO2 thing. It is just the biggest hoax that was ever foisted upon us. So the farmers are really facing all of those regulations. And you know what's coming out of that too is this methane thing that's been totally overstated in the IPCC. Even, look, there's way more methane comes out of the swamps around the world. I think it's 14 or 15 times more than the cows produce. It's a short-lived gap. It doesn't create the greenhouse gases that they say. And they're wanting to, that's driving the likes of genetic engineering. So genetic modification is speeding up what Mother Nature does. through good breeding and that sort of thing. Genetic engineering is like putting frog genes into tomatoes and we say no to genetic engineering. That is not good. Once you let

mykeljon winckel: So

Scotty Bright: the

mykeljon winckel: is

Scotty Bright: genie

mykeljon winckel: it?

Scotty Bright: out of the bottle, can't put it back

mykeljon winckel: Yeah.

Scotty Bright: in.

mykeljon winckel: And that's what we're talking about with GMO Foods as well, right?

Scotty Bright: Yes, that

mykeljon winckel: So no

Scotty Bright: GMO

mykeljon winckel: to GMO.

Scotty Bright: stuff. Absolutely. And quite simply, if we get GE here, Europe is really hot on no GE, not taking GE foods. That would decimate our exports. It would damage them an awful lot. But a couple of the parties out there are saying, oh, we need to move ahead and let these GE laws propagate and let them get into it. develop all this stuff. But once you get a GE, they're trying to develop GE grass that creates less belching. Well, the grass is not performing nowhere near as good as it should do. But once the GE grass is in there, it will overtake all of the native grasses and you will not have any native grasses left. They can't stand up against GE.

mykeljon winckel: And the other thing with the net zero economy when we're talking about farming, I was very surprised to hear that they don't actually include grass or the grassed areas on farms as part of the equation for...

Scotty Bright: No, for cessation. And

mykeljon winckel: ..for crustacean.

Scotty Bright: neither do they want to put in native forests and all of the grasses and that. So again, it shouldn't be in the equation because the CO2 thing is a myth. But if you did put it into the equation, it's not even being fair. That's saying plant pine trees and you'll get sequestration. The grass, we don't give you sequestration. It's just ridiculous.

mykeljon winckel: So if you put the grass in there, most farms would be carbon positive, right?

Scotty Bright: Absolutely. They'd be getting paid for their carbon, a carbon sequestration.

mykeljon winckel: There you go. And that's talking about modelling, right? And that's one of the biggest problems that we've had is the inaccurate and unrealistic aspects of government modelling. It has failed New Zealand so many, many times. And here's just more examples of it.

Scotty Bright: Modeling.

mykeljon winckel: Modeling,

Scotty Bright: What a great

mykeljon winckel: yeah.

Scotty Bright: blimmin'. What

mykeljon winckel: What I

Scotty Bright: a load

mykeljon winckel: have.

Scotty Bright: of rubbish. They

mykeljon winckel: I know.

Scotty Bright: really get that wrong.

mykeljon winckel: Unbelievable. Scotty, it's been wonderful having a chat. So now we're gonna come back to your Port Wicato seat. So

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: we're gonna, you're gonna be obviously, tell me about your campaign. What's happening with your campaign?

Scotty Bright: So the campaign involves I've got meetings in most of the towns in the country areas, right through the Port Wai Kano area. We've got hoardings up. I've sent out 20,000 flyers and there'll be another 20,000 to go out in all the rural areas. We've got supporters delivering them around town, which is really good. And the really enjoyable thing is I've been able to go out and visit. Well, I've pushed myself. It's not the easiest thing to do, is to walk up to people and say, you know, my name's Scotty Bright. What do you think about the country and how things are going? Look, I haven't been thrown out of any shop and I haven't had bad words or told to go away. It's been really, really quite good.

mykeljon winckel: So I want

Scotty Bright: Quite

mykeljon winckel: to ask

Scotty Bright: surprising.

mykeljon winckel: you on that point, you know, I mean, obviously you've been doing a lot of talking with various people lately, and you've asked that question. What has been the number one response?

Scotty Bright: The number one response, you know, like Main Street are saying, look, they're really feeling it and really hoping things are going to get better, but there's not a lot of optimism there. Things are very tight. The industrial areas are ticking along all right. They are really worried about the future. Farmers are very worried about the future too, you know, the regulations and just the stability of the country. stability of the finances. They know that they're going to be in for some tough times. Inflation interest. So, yeah, they are very worried. So, what I can say is, you know, don't worry, we'll get through this. It might be a bit rocky, but we'll get through it. And we've all got to do our bit. And

mykeljon winckel: It's time

Scotty Bright: that's

mykeljon winckel: for change,

Scotty Bright: how we...

mykeljon winckel: isn't it? It is time

Scotty Bright: It

mykeljon winckel: for

Scotty Bright: is

mykeljon winckel: change

Scotty Bright: time.

mykeljon winckel: though, isn't it?

Scotty Bright: Yep.

mykeljon winckel: It is.

Scotty Bright: And

mykeljon winckel: And

Scotty Bright: you

mykeljon winckel: so

Scotty Bright: see

mykeljon winckel: on a.

Scotty Bright: a big change in the... political parties, the smaller political parties, a lot of them, you know, really say that how it should be. So I do think that things are going to change in a big way in this election.

mykeljon winckel: It's really interesting watching, for example, National and Labour. I can't see a lot of difference between them. Sorry, I'm sorry, I really can't.

Scotty Bright: No, I share your opinion too MJ. I

mykeljon winckel: You

Scotty Bright: think

mykeljon winckel: know,

Scotty Bright: they've been

mykeljon winckel: seriously,

Scotty Bright: getting closer

mykeljon winckel: you know,

Scotty Bright: and closer.

mykeljon winckel: it's almost like, oh well, okay, we're almost bed partners. You know, can you pull

Scotty Bright: Hmm.

mykeljon winckel: up the sheets? I'm getting a bit, oh okay, I'll do that for you. Keep you cold.

Scotty Bright: Yeah,

mykeljon winckel: Keep you warm, I mean,

Scotty Bright: yeah,

mykeljon winckel: keep you warm, you know. A little

Scotty Bright: I know.

mykeljon winckel: bit cold,

Scotty Bright: And

mykeljon winckel: are

Scotty Bright: they

mykeljon winckel: you, Labour?

Scotty Bright: say, yeah, they say things like, oh, well, we'll do, we're not going to do three waters, but we'll do waters done well.

mykeljon winckel: Yeah, I know. It's all in the language, isn't it? It seems to be amazing that we've had such a huge attack on language in this country.

Scotty Bright: Hmm.

mykeljon winckel: It's been massive.

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: You know, I mean, if you've seen our language, honestly, over the last three years, it's been it's been hijacked. That's all I'm going to say.

Scotty Bright: doesn't

mykeljon winckel: You got

Scotty Bright: it

mykeljon winckel: to

Scotty Bright: make

mykeljon winckel: get back

Scotty Bright: you sick?

mykeljon winckel: to some language.

Scotty Bright: The weasel words and the flip-flops and the experts at waffling and saying a whole pile of stuff and you know they're going to do nothing when they get out. And I think people are just had a gut's full, just sick of it. They want

mykeljon winckel: Uh.

Scotty Bright: some straight talking and just we will do this and we won't do that.

mykeljon winckel: Yeah,

Scotty Bright: I think that's the biggest thing.

mykeljon winckel: a government that we can actually believe in and trust. That would be a start. I mean, gosh, that would be a nice thing to go to sleep and think about, wouldn't I? Wake up in the morning,

Scotty Bright: Thanks,

mykeljon winckel: you know

Scotty Bright: man.

mykeljon winckel: what? I'm going to listen to mainstream, or lame stream, as I call it, and say, I'm

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: going to believe that. Oh, no, actually, I'm going to actually, I'm hearing that, but it's actually 100% the opposite.

Scotty Bright: team.

mykeljon winckel: Oh, here comes my studio director. Here he comes, he's come to say g'day.

Scotty Bright: Good.

mykeljon winckel: He's very good, I forgot

Scotty Bright: Again.

mykeljon winckel: that

Scotty Bright: Yeah,

mykeljon winckel: he was in here, Scotty. But

Scotty Bright: no worries.

mykeljon winckel: he's probably, he's got a lot to say sometimes. Scotty, we'll leave it there. What are we gonna do as far as voting, when it comes to voting day? What would you like to see happen on the voting ballot

Scotty Bright: Well,

mykeljon winckel: for you?

Scotty Bright: I would like to see if we can...

mykeljon winckel: Sorry. It's the tail of the cat.

Scotty Bright: Look,

mykeljon winckel: Hang on. Yeah.

Scotty Bright: if you all believe that I can take your voice to Parliament, honestly and genuinely, and not get it watered down or twisted on the way and represent you, I would like you I think you could vote for me. And, you know, Democracy New Zealand, give them a tick too, if you're that way inclined, because they've got the same policies that I'm talking about. And I find them, to be the most honest, down to earth, practical and sensible. And that's why I joined Democracy New Zealand, because of that, otherwise I wouldn't be here. I mean, I'm not much of a politician, I will be a leader if you want me to be a leader, if you vote me and I will. Take your voices to Parliament. So, look, if you really can't get away from your favourite party, there's no wasted votes. You give your party vote to your favourite party. But yeah, give me your candidate vote if you think I can. Take your voice to Parliament.

mykeljon winckel: It's been

Scotty Bright: I'll

mykeljon winckel: a

Scotty Bright: be

mykeljon winckel: great

Scotty Bright: looking

mykeljon winckel: chat.

Scotty Bright: forward to it.

mykeljon winckel: Scotty, I've really enjoyed it. And we've covered some really good areas. And I think the people listening to this will see the common sense and the straight shooting that you've been displaying here tonight.

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: Wonderful chat. I'm looking forward to having another couple of good discussions with you as we get closer to see what's going around the traps, as we say, and see what the response is from people. And generally, let's talk about a few of these. bit more in depth with a couple of these things because there's, I talk obviously to a lot of people as well, but there are some

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: things that are just staggeringly evil, you know, what's going

Scotty Bright: Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: on, you know. So we've got to change, we've got to have a change, that's what I think. And

Scotty Bright: We

mykeljon winckel: I think

Scotty Bright: do.

mykeljon winckel: a lot of other Kiwis, I think there are a lot of other Kiwis who think and feel the same way. We've had enough, you know, enough

Scotty Bright: Totally.

mykeljon winckel: is enough.

Scotty Bright: Absolutely. Yeah.

mykeljon winckel: Thanks Scotty.

Scotty Bright: No, it's been really good talking to you, MJ, and thanks for having us on.

mykeljon winckel: You're most welcome. Thanks everyone for joining us on the Free Speech Space with MJ, Scotty Bright, Democracy NZ. And it's always a joy to have a nice chat with Scotty. And you can see we've actually chewed the bit a few times over the last three years.

Scotty Bright: Thank you.

mykeljon winckel: And there's more to be chewed because there's always something going on. Thanks very much, Scotty. Bye for now.

Scotty Bright: Okay, thank you, Jay. Good night.

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