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“The Stupidest Idea in the History of the World”

5G (Part II)

by Katherine Smith

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“Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.” – Professor Emeritus Dr. Martin L. Pall, PhD1

An introductory article about 5G2 discussed how the potential environmental and health risks of the technology have been almost completely ignored by most media outlets.

The risks of 5G (including a likely increase in our already high cancer rates) are also being ignored by New Zealand’s Minister of Health, who seems to prefer to take advice on the health effects of electromagnetic fields from a committee that includes people with links to the telecommunications industry3 rather than from independent scientists who have relevant professional expertise.

The 5G wireless communications system proposed for New Zealand would increase the number of cellular phone towers emitting potentially carcinogenic microwave radiation plus add “millimetre wave” transmitters - which could be placed as close together as every 250 meters in urban areas.

According to the 5G Space Appeal, “5G base stations and 5G devices will have multiple antennas arranged in phased arrays that work together to emit focused, steerable, laser-like beams that track each other.”4

In the USA, the “Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted rulespermitting the effective power of those beams to be as much as 20 watts, ten times more powerful than the levels permitted for current phones”.5

New Zealand lacks its own national standard for mobile phones and instead simply allows phones that meet other countries’ standards to be marketed here. This means that a 5G capable mobile phone could potentially expose a user (and others nearby) to higher levels of EMF than do the cellular phones currently available in NZ.


One of the potential outcomes of introducing 5G is an increase in the number of people suffering from electrosensitivity (also variously known as ES, electrohypersensitivity (EHS) or electromagnetic hypersensitivity.) Exposure to artificial electromagnetic fields (EMF), especially on a chronic basis (such as living close to a cell phone tower), appears to be a risk factor for developing EHS. Symptoms of EHS range from relatively mild (e.g. headaches, nausea, concentration difficulties, insomnia) to life threatening (e.g. heart arrythmias or seizures).6 EHS is recognised as a “environmental impairment” or disability in Sweden because people who suffer from this condition can experience a normal level of health and function well in an environment that has sufficiently low levels of EMF but react adversely to environments that are essentially polluted by artificial EMFs.

Beyond the potential health impacts, 5G poses other risks.


According to Radio Spectrum Management (a business unit of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) a 5G system in NZ could facilitate one million internet connections per square kilometre.

The reason for this connectivity “overkill” is that 5G is ultimately designed to usher in a new technocratic era, which is being sold to the public on the basis that it will allow access to faster wireless downloads and new hightech toys such as “virtual reality”.

The reality of a functioning 5G system could be much more far reaching sinister given that it could support the development of the “Internet of Things” (IoT) in which large numbers of everyday devices are connected to the internet.7 So-called “smart” fridges, toasters and other common devices would thereby act as in-house spying devices.

If the IoT is allowed to proceed, privacy, even in the enfeebled state that we know it in the West today, would become a thing of the past. (The Communist regime of China is already creating a so-called “social credit” scheme in which data gathered from surveillance cameras in city streets, smart phones etc. is collated to give citizens a score that allows privileges for those who are deemed to be good citizens and strips basic rights from those who are considered to be enemies of the state.)8

Driverless cars, also being hyped as a benefit of 5G, pose potential problems, not least of which is that the cars’ wireless systems will add to the “electrosmog” polluting urban areas 9 and spy on their drivers.10

Then there is the fact that when driverless cars run amok the casualties can be horrific. Driverless vehicles have so far have had only very limited and low speed testing in NZ (and no reported serious accidents) but in parts of the USA these vehicles are undergoing road testing at normal speeds.

A pedestrian was killed by a self driving Uber car in Arizona in 2018 and “Waymo” self driving vehicles have become the target of attacks by enraged citizens who see them as a danger to pedestrians and road users.11

Health and safety risks of driverless cars and other 5G-enabled technologies aside, the technology has the potential to cause financial hardship for people whose jobs could disappear.

New York University media theorist Douglas Rushkoff has been quoted as saying that “People are lashing out justifiably,” against driverless vehicles and compared driverless cars to “robotic incarnations of scabs.”12

In the USA, 8.6 million people are employed directly in the trucking industry (and many more people who work in ancillary industries such as the businesses that provide food and accommodation to drivers working long-haul routes). Self driving trucks are being tested in the USA now and are likely to result in loss of employment for many millions of people if the technology is widely adopted.13 The jobs of bus and taxi drivers could ultimately be similarly on the line.


5G has the potential to fill our environment with bio-toxic forms of radiation that could cause an increase in the numbers of people suffering from serious health problems – and the frequencies used in 5G would also inevitably affect other life forms, not just humans. This technology also has the potential to cause mass job losses and the further impoverishment of people who are currently already earning low incomes or struggling to remain in the middle class.

Given the potential health, environmental and financial threats posed to ordinary citizens by 5G, a worldwide movement that opposes the imposition of 5G technology is rapidly gaining momentum.

Now is the time to act to stop this killer from being deployed in New Zealand.

The website www.5G.org.nz and Facebook page https://www.facebook. com/5GFreeNewZealand/ provide information on 5G resistance efforts in New Zealand.

  1. “5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them”, available via this link: https://www.emfacts.com/2018/08/martin-palls-book-on-5g-is-available-online/ 

  2. https://www.elocal.co.nz/Articles/elocal-Digital-Edition/2225 

  3. http://www.5g.org.nz/2019/02/27/why-is-the-minister-of-health-taking-advice-about-the-health-effects-of-5g-from-a-committee-influenced-by-people-with-ties-to-the-telecommunications-industry/ 

  4. Ibid. 

  5. https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal 

  6. https://mdsafetech.org/science/es-science/ 

  7. http://www.5g.org.nz/2018/06/03/what-is-the-iot-and-what-is-its-connection-with-5g/ 

  8. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-09-18/china-social-credit-a-model-citizen-in-a-digital-dictatorship/10200278 

  9. http://healthimpactnews.com/2018/will-driverless-cars-cause-dna-damage-and-cancer/ 

  10. https://www.driven.co.nz/news/news/is-your-car-spying-on-you-if-not-it-will-be-soon/ 

  11. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-01/tires-slashed-guns-pulled-self-driving-cars-arizona-residents-revolt 

  12. Ibid. 

  13. https://medium.com/basic-income/self-driving-trucks-are-going-to-hit-us-like-a-human-driven-truck-b8507d9c5961 

Katherine Smith is a herbalist and natural health consultant, as well as a published author and journalist. She is the current editor of The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine.

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elocal Digital Edition – April 2019 (#217)

elocal Digital Edition
April 2019 (#217)

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